Become a Tillamook County
Master Recycler: Lead By Example

What is the Master Recyclers Program?

The Master Recylers program is an initiative of the Tillamook County Solid Waste Department. The purpose of the program is to create a volunteer pool of knowledgeable residents who inspire others in their community to reduce waste. The Tillamook County Master Recyclers’ mission is to “educate our community on the environmental impacts of our daily decisions and to encourage people to rethink, reduce, repair, repurpose, and then recycle.” Heart of Cartm is caring for this program by updating the coursework, organizing and teaching the classes and seeking ongoing funding for volunteer projects. Funding for our local program comes from: Oregon Community Foundation - BottleDrop Fund, Tillamook County Visitors Association and Tillamook County Solid Waste. Heart of Cartm and many volunteers share their knowledge and resources to ensure that our new and returning Master Recyclers feel inspired to action. Join in the action! The course is free with a commitment to share your knowledge via a volunteer project in Tillamook County.

Master Recyclers bridge the gap between awareness and action by motivating people to reduce waste at home and in the workplace.

Master Recyclers Course Dates


  • Master Recyclers provide accurate information and resources to educate our community on the environmental impacts of our daily decisions and to encourage people to rethink, reduce, repair, repurpose, and then recycle.

  • Absolutely nothing! The Tillamook County Master Recyclers course is free of charge. As an exchange for the knowledge shared in this course, you will commit to completing a Master Recycler volunteer project in Tillamook County.

  • The 2024 Master Recyclers Course consists of 6 classes. Each class will be held in a different location across Tillamook County. Details will be sent to you upon registering for the course.

  • Right here! These classes are very popular and will fill quickly. Complete your registration below ASAP!

    Eligibility to become a TC Master Recycler is not based on your address, but you must complete your service project within Tillamook County.

  • Our preference is that we learn together in person, however we will do our best to provide online instruction whenever possible.

    Reach out to Jessi at to discuss how we can best accommodate your situation, if you cannot attend all classes.

Tillamook County Master Recyclers learn about recycling and beyond!

During the Master Recyclers Course you will receive detailed materials management industry information. Class presenters and tour guides are local experts and innovators in materials management, waste-based business, waste prevention, recycling, and composting from commercial, nonprofit, and government sectors. See below for a list of subjects covered by this Tillamook County Master Recycler program via course text, handouts, class sessions, and tours:

  • Garbage

    • Collection and Disposal 

    • Waste Composition

    • Local Hauler Perspective

    • Depots & Transfer Stations

    • Waste Composition

    • Waste-Based Businesses

    • Marine Debris

  • Materials

    • Household Recyclables 

    • Electronics

    • Household Hazardous Waste 

    • Hard-to-Recycle Items

  • Recycling 

    • Types of Collection

    • Markets

    • Material Recovery Facilities

    • Legislation

    • Best Practices

  • Education

    • Community Outreach

    • Effective Presentations in Schools 

    • Greenwashing 

    • Zero Waste Events

    • Sustainable Tourism

  • Waste Reduction & Waste Prevention 

    • Lowering Personal Consumption

    • Business Waste Audits

    • Repair

    • Reuse

  • Reimagination

    • Trash and Found Object Art

    • Creative Problem Solving

    • Inspiration From Around The World

    • Local Community Projects

Ready to make a difference?

Registration for the Fall 2024 Course is closed. If you are interested in more information about becoming a sustainability leader in Tillamook County, please fill out the form below.

After submitting this form, keep an eye on your email for important information about the next course. Thank you!

Questions? Email Jessi at